Young Children
You are never too young to put your faith into Action!
Young children at WPC are engaged in a number of hands-on activities through the life of the church, whether in special church school activities or directly in faith in action events.
If you have questions about Youth Programs at WPC, please contact Nate Taylor, Co-director of Family Ministries (Infant- 7th Grade).
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Give-A-Smile Bags
Give-A-Smile Bags : In the fall and spring, each Church School (K-7th) class makes special gifts and cards for members of WPC and St. Matthews churches to let them know we care. The children assemble 20 Give-A-Smile gift bags to be delivered. The personal delivery of Give-A-Smile Bags by individual families has sparked a time of intergenerational community and caring.
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Stop Hunger Now
Our youngest help as “runners” during this event, helping move bags from filling stations to weighing stations. Others help fill bags, seal bags, or count meals and load them into boxes.