The Endowment Committee of Wilton Presbyterian Church was originally established in 1986 to promote and encourage perpetual stewardship to enable the Church to expand its ministry and mission beyond the annual stewardship support of its members. The Committee is charged with identifying projects that are needed and important, but which fall outside the annual Church budget. The Committee welcomes designated or undesignated gifts of all sizes to the fund that will further its work of expanding the ministry, mission, and capital-related expenses of the Church.
The Endowment Committee welcomes proposals from Session members, staff, ministry groups and congregants for Endowment Fund allocation. That means anyone can apply for endowment funds for a cause close to their heart. If there’s an organization you feel the church should be financially supporting, you can apply for a dispensation using the form below.
Proposals will be presented to Session for approval and allocations will then be reported to the congregation in the Annual Report the following year. Email your request form to
2023 Committee Members
Ralph Barnabei
Nancy Gorkin
Ted Bassani
Dave Lowrie
Kevin Nugent
Hank Watkins